Johannes Kepler University
The Institute Integriert Studieren (IIS) was founded in 1991 and is an institute at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, JKU, focusing on research and teaching on Assistive Technology, AAL, mobility and navigation support, eAccessibility and Design for all for mainstream ICT (Information and Communication Technology). IIS has been involved in more than 80 national and international projects and reported in more than 190 reviewed publications. Since 1996, IIS has been responsible for organizing the International Computer Conference on Computer Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP). Besides research and teaching activities the Institute provides support services for students with disabilities.
Key staff contributing to the Buddy project:
Klaus Miesenberger is managing director and vice head of the institute IIS, received his PhD in computer science and economics 1998; professorship (habilitation) in 2001. Research and teaching is related to AT/ICT for People with Disabilities; eAccessibility / eInclusion / Design for All; AAL; electronic libraries & document accessibility for print disabled readers. He is past president of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) and member of the board of the Austrian AAL Association.
Peter Heumader is senior researcher at the institute IIS. He received his MSc. in Software Engineering and is currently doing his PhD in the field of adaptive user interfaces for people with cognitive disabilities. His other main research interests and activities focus on accessibility on mobile platforms, as well as communications platforms for people with cognitive and motor disabilities.
Tomás Murillo-Morales is a senior researcher at the institute IIS and received his MSc. in Computer Science in 2012. Currently he is a PhD candidate in the field of accessibility of statistical charts. In addition, his research interests include machine learning-based affection detection in the context of accessibility, as well as communications platforms for people with cognitive and motor disabilities.