Demonstration Events
In order to present the project’s results, the project team has organised demonstration events targeting various audiences.
Funka – EDF Digital Accessibility Update!
On January 27th, 2022 Funka and the European Disability Forum, EDF, co-organised yet another popular international Digital Accessibility Update targeting end users. During the event we demonstrated the results of the Buddy project.
Buddy demonstration event for end users, 27 January
Demonstration event for service providers
On February 1st JKU presented Buddy on a webinar in an interactive session to an international audience of service providers and educators in accessibility
Buddy demonstration event for service providers, 1 February
Webinar on Better cognitive support
On February 4th, 2022 Funka organised a webinar where we presented the Buddy project results and discussed the future of assistive technology provision with a distinguished panel of experts from across Europe. The event was tailored to AT-producers and suppliers.
Panel discussion and demonstration of Buddy for AT producers and suppliers, 4 February