In addition to the internal webinars organised by the project team, the project results are also presented in relevant ICT events.
EURECO Conference, 2-3 December 2021
The conference, titled "Tackling the ‘digital divide’ – Co-creation of inclusive social service infrastructures in regions beyond metropoles" addressed the subject of the digital divide, impacting in particular persons with cognitive and severe disabilities. In one session, Klaus Miesenberger (JKU) presented the Buddy project and the Buddy prototype as an opportunity to support both end users as well as care staff to find the best AT and accessibility solutions, contributing to closing the gap. The event was organised by the University of Siegen (Germany) and brought together scientific and practical expertise from social work, social services, and socio-informatics. It targeted the German and English-speaking audience: providing live interpretation to German or English and automated captioning.
More information about the EURECO conference (opens in a new window)
WienWork event, 23 November 2021, Vienna (in German)
The online event “Digitisation – Potential and risks for entrepreneurs with disabilities” was organised by WienWork Start-up Consulting and the Association for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities (AED), and addressed people with disabilities, labour market inclusion service providers and social support professionals. The program included presentations by entrepreneurs with disabilities discussing how digitization impacts their professional life and also the employment of persons with disabilities in general. The keynote by Klaus Miesenberger (JKU) talked about the potential of digital technology, including a presentation and live demo of the BUDDY tool and on the approach to provide better access to AT, with better targeted adaptation possibilities. The event had automated captioning and Live Sign Language Interpretation, both in German.
EASPD International Conference, 13-14 October 2021, Brussels
The 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) was titled: ‘The future is now: Person Centred Technology to empower people and disability services’. The conference brought together key stakeholders to explore the most relevant technologies in the area of service provision for persons with disabilities. In the panel discussion on 13 October, the project partners provided insight about the Buddy project, discussing how services can remove the barriers to accessing support online and the involvement of end users and how to make a user-centred approach a natural part of the day-to-day business in the development of accessible technology.
Program of the EASPD 25th Anniversary Conference (opens in a new window)